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All giveaways by Kine Protocol

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Kine Protocol's Final Daily Quiz
Answer today's quiz question correctly, and win $40 kUSD! Time limit: 120 minutes Winner will be randomly chosen among those who answer the quiz question correctly and fulfill the other Gleam campaign requirements. Good luck! Entry Methods: * Follow @KineProtocol on Twitter * Answer the Daily Quiz Question: kUSD is the only accepted margin assets on Kine Exchange. True or false? * Join Kine Protocol's TG Community Channel * Join Kine Protocol's TG Announcement Channel * Telegram ID: What is your telegram username (all lowercase)?
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Kine Protocol's First Daily Quiz
Answer today's quiz question correctly, and win $10 kUSD! Time limit: 120 minutes Winner will be randomly chosen among those who answer the quiz question correctly and fulfill the other Gleam campaign requirements. Good luck! Entry Methods: * Follow @KineProtocol on Twitter * Answer the Daily Quiz Question: Going through our social media channels, when did Kine protocol’s 24-hour trading volume exceed $230 million? * Join Kine Protocol's TG Community Channel * Join Kine Protocol's TG Announcement Channel * Telegram ID: What is your telegram username (all lowercase)?
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Kine Protocol's Second Daily Quiz
Answer today's quiz question correctly, and win $20 kUSD! Time limit: 120 minutes Winner will be randomly chosen among those who answer the quiz question correctly and fulfill the other Gleam campaign requirements. Good luck! Entry Methods: * Follow @KineProtocol on Twitter * Answer the Daily Quiz Question: On our website we mentioned 3 main benefits of trading on KINE 2 of which are 1) Zero Slippage and Guaranteed Execution 2) Cross Margin on Any Asset What is the third benefit? * Join Kine Protocol's TG Community Channel * Join Kine Protocol's TG Announcement Channel * Telegram ID: What is your telegram username (all lowercase)?
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KardiaChain - $KAI giveaway competition
Special KardiaChain - $KAI giveaway competion! People downloading and using KardiaChain Wallet (Android/iOS) can now win $KAI! Total prize pool is 10K USD: 200 winners will each win $50 worth of $KAI! Competition winners will be selected shortly after the contest. KardiaChain is a public blockchain focused on Interoperability, leading the race towards blockchain adoption in Vietnam by providing hybrid blockchain solution/infrastructure for major enterprises and government bodies. Campaign end date: 2021-06-14 11:59:59 PM UTC ----------- 💰Increase your chances of winning by completing ALL the actions on Gleam.io. Best of luck to you! Important: winners will get whitelisted shortly after the campaign. T&C's: This competition is open internationally. Restrictions due to compliance regulations for different jurisdictions apply. Residents from the United States, North Korea, and Iran are not permitted to join this contest. KardiaChain is not responsible for any legal repercussions incurred due to non-compliance of participants. Please consult the respective laws governing your region for the most accurate information. Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @KardiaChain on Twitter * Tweet on Twitter * Retweet @KardiaChain on Twitter * Follow @hunykardia on Twitter * Follow @triminhph on Twitter * Follow @AstridKardia on Twitter * Follow @JohnHuyKardia on Twitter * Follow @lew_tran_ on Twitter * Join the KardiaChain Telegram Community Channel * Telegram ID: What is your telegram username (all Lowercase)? * Download and use KardiaChain Wallet (Android/iOS) * Print screen of the KardiaChain app * Create a KAI wallet address (you must note down and remember your seed phrase) * KAI wallet address: To verify the previous step, what is your KAI wallet address? * Experience the new KAIDEX * Tweet your comment about KAIDEX: What is the URL of the tweet? * Refer Friends For Extra Entries * Click For a Daily Bonus Entry
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My DeFi Pet - $DPET giveaway competition
Special My DeFi Pet - $DPET giveaway competion! People buying a DeFi egg can now win $DPET! Total prize pool is 10K USD: 200 winners will each win $50 worth of $DPET! Competition winners will be selected upon contest end, after May 31. My DeFi Pet Run by seasons, players can continuously Collect > breed > evolve > battle > trade, and of course, socialize! All DPET tokens and NFT tokens are available and tradable cross-blockchain, currently via Binance Smart Chain and KardiaChain. ----------- 💰Increase your chances of winning by completing ALL the actions on Gleam.io. Best of luck to you! Important: winners will get whitelisted shortly after the campaign. T&C's: This competition is open internationally. Restrictions due to compliance regulations for different jurisdictions apply. Residents from the United States, North Korea, and Iran are not permitted to join this contest. My DeFi Pet is not responsible for any legal repercussions incurred due to non-compliance of participants. Please consult the respective laws governing your region for the most accurate information. Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @MyDeFiPet on Twitter * Retweet @MyDeFiPet on Twitter * Join the My DeFi Pet Telegram Community Channel * Join the My DeFi Pet Telegram News Channel * Telegram ID: What is your telegram username (all Lowercase)? * Visit the Official Website * Buy a DeFi egg * Transaction hash: To verify the previous step, what is your transaction hash from buying the egg? * Enter using Facebook * FB Photo of you playing the game * Refer Friends For Extra Entries * Click For a Daily Bonus Entry
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My DeFi Pet - Allocation Contest
My DeFi Pet brings traditional game experiences and DeFi features to NFT collectibles. As a personalized DeFi pet-raising game, we have a vision for adoption across the masses. Run by seasons, players can continuously Collect > breed > evolve > battle > trade, and of course, socialize! All DPET tokens and NFT tokens will be available and tradable cross-blockchain, currently via Binance Smart Chain and KardiaChain. 125 whitelist spots available (100 public, 25 reserved). EACH spot will be entitled to purchase an equal amount at private sale allocation terms. Whitelist winners will be selected upon contest end, after April 26th. ----------- 💰Increase your chances of winning by completing ALL the actions on Gleam.io. Best of luck to you! Important: winners will get whitelisted shortly after the campaign. T&C's: This competition is open internationally. Restrictions due to compliance regulations for different jurisdictions apply. Residents from the United States, North Korea, and Iran are not permitted to join this contest. My DeFi Pet is not responsible for any legal repercussions incurred due to non-compliance of participants. Please consult the respective laws governing your region for the most accurate information. Entry Methods: * Enter using Twitter * Follow @mydefipet on Twitter * Follow @kickpad_org on Twitter * Join the Telegram Community Channel * Join the Telegram Community Channel (Vietnam) * Join the Telegram Announcement Channel * Telegram ID: What is your telegram username (all Lowercase)? * Visit the Official Website * Read and Share Medium Article * Read and Share Medium Article * Retweet @MyDeFiPet on Twitter * Retweet @kickpad_org on Twitter * Refer Friends For Extra Entries